Advanced JData Examples

1. Complex-number and complex-valued arrays
2. Sparse arrays
3. Complex-valued sparse arrays
4. Special matrices
5. Tables
6. Trees
7. Linked lists
8. Graphs

The goal of this section is to show how one can use the lightweight and portable JData annotations to conveniently represent advanced data structures, including complex-valued arrays, sparse arrays, tables, trees, linked lists and graphs. The notation used in this section is similar to those used in the basic examples.

1. Complex-number and complex-valued arrays

Complex numbers are supported in many scientific programming languages, such as MATLAB, python and R, but there is no standardized format to store complex-valued data and share among these programming languages. Using the portable JData annotation system, we can conveniently represent complex-valued data and make sharing such data possible.

A complex-valued data record must be stored using the "annotated array format" as shown in the basic examples. This is achieved via the presence of _ArrayIsComplex_ keyword and the serialization of the complex values in the _ArrayData_ constructs in the order of [[serialized real-part values], [serialized imag-part values]]

Native data text-JData/JSON form binary-JData(UBJSON)




[U][11][_ArrayType_] [S][U][6][double]
[U][11][_ArraySize_] [[] [U][2][U][3] []]
[U][16][_ArrayIsComplex_] [T]
[U][11][_ArrayData_] [[] [[][D][10.0][]] [[][D][6.0][]] []]




[U][11][_ArrayType_] [S][U][5][uint8]
[U][11][_ArraySize_] [[] [U][2][U][2] []]
[U][16][_ArrayIsComplex_] [T]
[U][11][_ArrayData_] [[]
[[] [$][U][#][4] [1][3][5][7]
[[] [$][U][#][4] [2][4][6][8]

2. Sparse arrays

Sparse array is an important data type widely used in computational models. A small number of scientific programming languages provide built-in support to sparse arrays, such as MATLAB; others support sparse arrays via 3rd party libraries, such as scipy.sparse for Python, Blas for C/C++, Lapack for FORTRAN etc.

Similar to the above case, a sparse array must be stored using the "annotated array format" as shown in the basic examples. This is achieved via the presence of _ArrayIsSparse_ keyword and the serialization of the non-zero sparse data elements and indices in the _ArrayData_ constructs in the order of [[first index i1], [second index i2], ... [last index iN], [serialized non-zero values]]

Native data text-JData/JSON form binary-JData(UBJSON)




[U][11][_ArrayType_] [S][U][6][double]
[U][11][_ArraySize_] [[] [U][2][U][3] []]
[U][16][_ArrayIsSparse_] [T]
[U][11][_ArrayData_] [[]
[[][$][U][#][3] [1][2][4]
[[][$][U][#][3] [1][3][2]
[[][$][D][#][3] [2.0][9.0][7.0]

3. Complex-valued sparse arrays

Combining the _ArrayIsComplex_ and _ArrayIsSparse_ tags, we can easily support complex-valued sparse arrays using JData annotations. The _ArrayData_ stores the information regarding the non-zero values in the order of [[first index i1], [second index i2], ... [last index iN], [serialized real-part of non-zero values], [serialized imag-part of non-zero values]]

Native data text-JData/JSON form binary-JData(UBJSON)




[U][11][_ArrayType_] [S][U][6][double]
[U][11][_ArraySize_] [[] [U][2][U][3] []]
[U][16][_ArrayIsSparse_] [T]
[U][11][_ArrayData_] [[]
[[][$][U][#][3] [1][2][4]
[[][$][U][#][3] [1][3][2]
[[][$][D][#][3] [2.0][9.0][7.0]
[[][$][D][#][3] [1.2][-4.7][1.0]

4. Special matrices

The light-weight data annotation mechanism provided by JData specification can further enable efficient storage of special matrices, such as diagonal, triangular, Toeplitz matrices etc. This is enabled via the _ArrayShape_ keyword. For example

Native data text-JData/JSON form binary-JData(UBJSON)
diagonal matrix




[U][11][_ArrayType_] [S][U][6][double]
[U][11][_ArraySize_] [[] [U][5][U][5] []]
[U][12][_ArrayShape_] [S][U][4][diag]
[U][11][_ArrayData_] [[] [$][U][D][#][U][5]

upper triangular matrix

11 12 13 14 15
0 22 23 24 25
a= 0 0 33 34 35
0 0 0 44 45
0 0 0 0 55



[U][11][_ArrayType_] [S][U][4][int8]
[U][11][_ArraySize_] [[] [U][5][U][5] []]
[U][12][_ArrayShape_] [S][U][5][upper]
[U][11][_ArrayData_] [[] [$][U][#][U][15]

symmetric matrix- store upper

11 12 13 14 15
12 22 23 24 25
a= 13 23 33 34 35
14 24 34 44 45
15 25 35 45 55



[U][11][_ArrayType_] [S][U][4][int8]
[U][11][_ArraySize_] [[] [U][5][U][5] []]
[U][12][_ArrayShape_] [S][U][9][uppersymm]
[U][11][_ArrayData_] [[] [$][U][#][U][15]

real Toeplitz matrix

11 12 13 0 0
21 11 12 13 0
a= 31 21 11 12 13
41 31 21 11 12
0 41 31 21 11


"_ArrayData_":[[11,12,13 0],[11,21,31,41]]

[U][11][_ArrayType_] [S][U][4][int8]
[U][11][_ArraySize_] [[] [U][5][U][5] []]
[U][12][_ArrayShape_] [S][U][8][toeplitz]
[U][11][_ArrayData_] [[]
[[] [$][U][#][U][4] [11][12][13][0]
[[] [$][U][#][U][4] [11][21][31][41]

complex diagonal matrix



"_ArrayIsComplex_": true,

[U][11][_ArrayType_] [S][U][4][int8]
[U][11][_ArraySize_] [[] [U][5][U][5] []]
[U][12][_ArrayShape_] [S][U][4][diag]
[U][16][_ArrayIsComplex_] [T]
[U][11][_ArrayData_] [[]
[[] [$][i][#][U][5] [1][4][0][10][12]
[[] [$][i][#][U][5] [2][-1][5][0][7]

5. Tables

In the JData Specification, we represent a table/spreadsheet/database data structure using 3 keywords - _TableRows_,_TableCols_ and _TableRecords_. One can also specify data types for each column of the table.

Native datatext-JData/JSON formbinary-JData(UBJSON)
a table without row-name
Name    Age   Degree  Height
----  ------- ------  ------
Andy    21     BS      69.2
William 21     MS      71.0
Om      22     BE      67.1
  "_TableCols_": ["Name", "Age", 
             "Degree", "Height"],
  "_TableRows_": [],
  "_TableRecords_": [
    ["Andy",    21, "BS", 69.2],
    ["William", 21, "MS", 71.0],
    ["Om",      22, "BS", 67.1]
 [U][11][_TableCols_] [[]
   [S][U][4][Name] [S][U][3][Age] 
   [S][U][6][Degree] [S][U][6][Height] 
 [U][11][_TableRows_] [[] []]
 [U][14][_TableRecords_] [[]
   [[] [S][U][4][Andy] [U][21] [S][U][2][BS] [d][69.2] []]
   [[] [S][U][7][William] [U][21] [S][U][2][MS] [d][71.0] []]
   [[] [S][U][2][Om] [U][22] [S][U][2][BS] [d][67.1] []]
specifying column data types=>
  "_TableCols_": [
  "_TableRows_": [],
  "_TableRecords_": [
    ["Andy",    21, "BS", 69.2],
    ["William", 21, "MS", 71.0],
    ["Om",      22, "BS", 67.1]
 [U][11][_TableCols_] [[]
   [{] [S][U][8][DataName] [S][U][4][Name]
       [S][U][8][DataType] [S][U][6][string]
   [{] [S][U][8][DataName] [S][U][3][Age] 
       [S][U][8][DataType] [S][U][5][int32]
   [{] [S][U][8][DataName] [S][U][6][Degree] 
       [S][U][8][DataType] [S][U][6][string]
   [{] [S][U][8][DataName] [S][U][6][Height] 
       [S][U][8][DataType] [S][U][6][single]
 [U][11][_TableRows_] [[] []]
 [U][14][_TableRecords_] [[]
   [[] [S][U][4][Andy] [U][21] [S][U][2][BS] [d][69.2] []]
   [[] [S][U][7][William] [U][21] [S][U][2][MS] [d][71.0] []]
   [[] [S][U][2][Om] [U][22] [S][U][2][BS] [d][67.1] []]

6. Trees

A tree contains a hierarchical dataset that is similar to a structure, except that each of the tree-node may be associated with its own data payload aside from its hierarchical information. In the JData specification, we use nested _TreeNode_ and _TreeChildren_ constructs to represent such data structure. In the meantime, we can also convert a tree-like data structure to a struct and store the nodal data to the metadata record of the struct node.

Native datatext-JData/JSON formbinary-JData(UBJSON)
a tree data structure
 ├── node1={id:1,data:2.5}
 ├── node2={id:2,data:100}
 │    ├── node2.1={id:3,data:9}
 │    └── node2.2={id:4,data:20.1}
 └── node3={id:5,data:-9.0}
   "_TreeChildren_": [
          "_TreeChildren_": [
 [U][16][_TreeNode_(root)] [{] 
   [U][2][id] [l][0] [U][4][data] [d][10.1]
 [U][14][_TreeChildren_] [[]
   [{] [U][16][_TreeNode_(node1)]
     [{] [U][2][id] [l][1] [U][4][data] [d][2.5][}]
   [{] [U][16][_TreeNode_(node2)]
     [{] [U][2][id] [l][2] [U][4][data] [d][100][}]
       [U][14][_TreeChildren_] [[]
         [{] [U][16][_TreeNode_(node2.1)]
           [{] [U][2][id] [l][3] [U][4][data][d][9][}]
         [{] [U][16][_TreeNode_(node2.2)]
   [{] [U][16][_TreeNode_(node3)]
     [{] [U][2][id] [l][5] [U][4][data] [d][-9.0][}]
converting the above tree into a struct with metadata (_DataInfo_), only needed when a tree node contains both data and children. =>
      "_DataInfo_": {
      "node1": {"id":1,"data":2.5},
      "node2": {
         "node2.1": {"id":1,"data":2.5},
         "node2.2": {"id":1,"data":2.5}
 [U][4][root] [{] 
   [U][10][_DataInfo_] [{]
     [U][10][_TreeNode_] [{] 
       [U][2][id] [l][0] [U][4][data] [d][10.1]
   [U][5][node1] [{]
     [U][2][id] [l][1] [U][4][data] [d][2.5]
   [U][5][node2] [{]
     [U][10][_DataInfo_] [{]
       [U][10][_TreeNode_] [{] 
         [U][2][id] [l][2] [U][4][data] [d][100]
     [U][7][node2.1] [{]
       [U][2][id] [l][3] [U][4][data] [d][9]
     [U][7][node2.2] [{]
       [U][2][id] [l][4] [U][4][data] [d][20.1]
   [U][5][node3] [{]
     [U][2][id] [l][5] [U][4][data] [d][-9.0]

7. Linked lists

A linked list contains a linear chain of singly or doubly connected data records. Each element along this chain contains its data payload, in additional to the topological data, namely its next and/or prior neighbor. In the JData specification, we use three dedicated annotations _ListNode_, _ListNext_, and _ListPrior_ to represent a singly- or doubly-lined list data structure

Native datatext-JData/JSON formbinary-JData(UBJSON)
a doubly-linked list
head ={id:0,data:10.1}
tail ={id:5,data:-9.0}
     "_ListNode_(head)": {"id":0,"data":10.1},
     "_ListNext_": "node1",
     "_ListPrior_": null
     "_ListNode_(node1)": {"id":1,"data":2.5},
     "_ListNext_": "node2",
     "_ListPrior_": "head"
     "_ListNode_(node2)": {"id":2,"data":100},
     "_ListNext_": "node3",
     "_ListPrior_": "node1"
     "_ListNode_(node3)": {"id":3,"data":9},
     "_ListNext_": "node4",
     "_ListPrior_": "node2"
     "_ListNode_(node4)": {"id":4,"data":20.1},
     "_ListNext_": "tail",
     "_ListPrior_": "node3"
     "_ListNode_(tail)": {"id":5,"data":-9.0},
     "_ListNext_": "null",
     "_ListPrior_": "node4"
       [{] [U][2][id] [l][0] [U][4][data] [d][10.1] [}]
     [U][10][_ListNext_] [S][U][5][node1]
     [U][11][_ListPrior_] [Z]
       [{] [U][2][id] [l][1] [U][4][data] [d][2.5] [}]
     [U][10][_ListNext_] [S][U][5][node2]
     [U][11][_ListPrior_] [S][U][4][head]
       [{] [U][2][id] [l][2] [U][4][data] [d][100] [}]
     [U][10][_ListNext_] [S][U][5][node3]
     [U][11][_ListPrior_] [S][U][5][node2]
       [{] [U][2][id] [l][3] [U][4][data] [d][9] [}]
     [U][10][_ListNext_] [S][U][5][node4]
     [U][11][_ListPrior_] [S][U][5][node3]
       [{] [U][2][id] [l][4] [U][4][data] [d][20.1] [}]
     [U][10][_ListNext_] [S][U][4][tail]
     [U][11][_ListPrior_] [S][U][5][node3]
       [{] [U][2][id] [l][5] [U][4][data] [d][-9.0] [}]
     [U][10][_ListNext_] [Z]
     [U][11][_ListPrior_] [S][U][5][node4]

8. Graphs

A graph is often considered the most general and flexible data structure, and is widelyused in advanced data processing methods. A graph is made of an interconnected set of data records (or nodes), with data payload attached to the nodes and/or edges.

In the JData specification, we use two special keywords, _GraphNodes_ and _GraphEdges_ (or _GraphEdges0_ to signify undirected edges) to encapsulate the topological data as well as the data payloads carried by a graph data structure.

Native datatext-JData/JSON formbinary-JData(UBJSON)
a directed graph object
  head ={id:0,data:10.1}
    ⇓ e1
│   ⇓ e2
│ node2={id:2,data:100}─┐
│   ⇓ e3                │
└➝node3={id:3,data:9} e7│
e6  ⇓ e4                │
    ⇓ e5
  tail ={id:5,data:-9.0}
     "head": {"id":0,"data":10.1},
     "node1":{"id":1,"data":2.5 },
     "node2":{"id":2,"data":100 },
     "node3":{"id":3,"data":9   },
     "tail": {"id":5,"data":-9.0}
     ["head", "node1","e1"],
     ["node4","tail", "e5"],
  [U][12][_GraphNodes_] [{]
     [U][4][head] [{] [U][2][id] [l][0] [U][4][data] [d][10.1] [}]
     [U][5][node1][{] [U][2][id] [l][1] [U][4][data] [d][2.5]  [}]
     [U][5][node2][{] [U][2][id] [l][2] [U][4][data] [d][100]  [}]
     [U][5][node3][{] [U][2][id] [l][3] [U][4][data] [d][9]    [}]
     [U][5][node4][{] [U][2][id] [l][4] [U][4][data] [d][20.1] [}]
     [U][4][tail] [{] [U][2][id] [l][5] [U][4][data] [d][-9.0] [}]
  [U][12][_GraphEdges_] [[]
     [[] [S][U][4][head]  [S][U][5][node1] [S][U][2][e1] []]
     [[] [S][U][4][node1] [S][U][5][node2] [S][U][2][e2] []]
     [[] [S][U][4][node2] [S][U][5][node3] [S][U][2][e3] []]
     [[] [S][U][4][node3] [S][U][5][node4] [S][U][2][e4] []]
     [[] [S][U][4][node4] [S][U][4][tail]  [S][U][2][e5] []]
     [[] [S][U][4][node1] [S][U][5][node3] [S][U][2][e6] []]
     [[] [S][U][4][node2] [S][U][5][node4] [S][U][2][e7] []]
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