Data Structure Level
JData Specification
BJData Specification
Data File Level
JNIfTI Specification
JSNIRF Specification
JMesh Specification
Dataset Level
JData: A general-purpose data annotation and interchange format
JData is a general-purpose data interchange format aimed for portability, readability and simplicity. It utilizes the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) [RFC 4627] and Universal Binary JSON (UBJSON) specifications to store complex hierarchical data in both text and binary formats.
Binary JData: A portable interchange format for complex binary data
The Binary JData (BJData) Specification defines an efficient serialization protocol for unambiguously storing complex and strongly-typed binary data found in numerous application domains.
JNIfTI: An extensible file format for storage and interchange of neuroimaging data
A JNIfTI file has both a text-based interface using the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) [RFC 4627] format and a binary interface using the Universal Binary JSON (UBJSON) serialization format. This further allows JNIfTI to store not only neuroimaging data formatted in the NIfTI-1, NIfTI-2, and Analyze7.5 specifications, but also non-array-based and complex data structures, such as neuroimaging metadata, using simple syntax
JSNIRF: A lightweight and portable fNIRS data storage format
JMesh - A versatile data format for unstructured meshes and geometries
JMesh is a portable and extensible file format for the storage and interchange of unstructured geometric data, including discretized geometries such as triangular and tetrahedral meshes, parametric geometries such as NURBS curves and surfaces, and constructive geometries such as constructive solid geometry (CGS) of shape primitives and meshes.